Tuesday, August 4, 2020
4 ?t?g?? of ?ultur? Shock (and How t? ?t?y Sane When ?x?l?ring N?w ?ultur??)
4 ?t?g?? of ?ultur? Shock (and How t? ?t?y Sane When ?x?l?ring N?w ?ultur??) âCulture shock is ?ft?n f?lt ?h?r?l? ?t the b?rd?r? b?tw??n ??untri??, but ??m?tim?? it d???nt hit full? until youve b??n in a place for a long tim?â. Henri C?rti?r-Br????nS?, ??uâv? m?d? th? big decision: ??uâr? going to m?v? ?br??d⦠sell ??ur h?u??, ?uit ??ur j?b ?nd carry ?n with h??rtf?lt g??db??? t? all ??ur fri?nd? ?nd f?mil?.Y?u g?t on th? ?l?n? ?nd turn ?w?? fr?m ?v?r?thing and ?v?r??n? ??u kn?w. N?w ??n??ti?n? ?t?rt t? ?rriv?, ??u?l ??rt? ?x?it?m?nt ?nd nervousness.Y?uâr? ?? ?x?it?d ?b?ut the big m?v?, but littl? b? littl?, ??u b?gin t? f??l a bit ?nxi?u?. You ?r? in a beautiful n?w ?l??? full ?f ?dv?ntur?, but ??u d?nât ?uit? ???m ??ur??lf. S?m?thing that you ??nât quite ?ut ??ur finger ?n is â?ffâ.F??l a littl? crazy?D?nât.Itâ? called Cultur? Sh??k, ?nd it i? a real thing.WH?T I? CULTURE SH??K? Im?gin? that ??u are ?n Am?ri??n ??ll?g? student g?ing t? ?tud? ?br??d in Australia for th? ?umm?r, ?r you ju?t g?t a r??ll? g??d bu?in??? ?ff?r in a whole diff?r?nt ??ntin?nt.You ?r? ?x?it?d t? t?k? ??ur first trip ?v?r???? ?nd ??nn?t w?it t? g?. Y?u figure th?t ?in?? it is ?n English-speaking ?r a ?imil?r ??untr?, it wont b? that diff?r?nt.On?? ??u ?t?? ?ff the ?l?n?, r??lit? sets in. Y?u r??liz? th?t ?lth?ugh it was ?umm?r wh?n you left h?m?, it is wint?r in ??ur new environment. Y?u have tr?ubl? following the language ?nd find it h?rd t? fit in. You f??l ?l?n? and l?n?l?, especially ?n holidays lik? th? 4th ?f Jul? when you w?uld n?rm?ll? h?v? a huge party with f?mil? ?nd light fireworks.You cannot connect with ?n? ?f the l???l? ?nd f??l like n? one und?r?t?nd? wh?t ??u ?r? going thr?ugh. You ?r? ?t night ?nd wi?h ??u were ?t home. Wh?t ??u ?r? feeling i? culture ?h??k.Cultur? ?h??k i? th? t?rm we u?? to d???rib? th? feelings ?f confusion ?nd uncertainty th?t ?r? experienced when ??u ??m? int? ??nt??t with a culture that i? v??tl? different fr?m ??ur own. Cultur? shock can b? ??mm?nl? ???n in f?r?ign ?tud?nt?, immigr?nt? and refuge es.Even ?tud?nt? who stay in th?ir home ??untri?? ?uff?r fr?m ?ultur? ?h??k ?? they m?k? th? transition int? th? foreign environment kn?wn ?? ??ll?g?. It ??n ?l?? b? r?f?rr?d to the f??ling? ?f ??nfu?i?n ?nd uncertainty that you ?x??ri?n?? when you ??m? int? ??nt??t with a n?w culture.Living abroad ??n b? an ?xhil?r?ting ?x??ri?n?? th?t encourages n?w w?rld vi?w?, increases ?ultur?l curiosity and supports willingn??? to ?x?l?r? unf?mili?r t?rr?in?.H?w?v?r, it m?? also invite a ??n?? ?f feeling a little lost in th? world.Culture shock is a ??mm?n ?h?n?m?n?n and, th?ugh it may t?k? m?nth? t? d?v?l??, it ?ft?n ?ff??t? travelers and people living far fr?m h?m? in un?x???t?d ways. Culture ?h??k i? more th?n ?im?l? b?ing unf?mili?r with ???i?l n?rm? or ?x??ri?n?ing n?w f??d? ?nd it t?nd? t? im???t tr?v?l?r? even after theyâve b???m? f?mili?r with and comfortable in new ?ultur??.Th? f??ling ?f culture shock ??n dissipate ?v?r tim?.Visitors t? a n?w ??untr?, f?r example, will ?t fir?t b? unf?mili?r with th? nu?n??? ?f l???l culture, but th?? will learn h?w to adapt ?? int?r??ti?n? with ????l? ??ntinu?. Cultur? ?h??k ??n b? d?unting f?r th??? who d? business ?br??d du? to th? added ?r???ur? ?f maintaining or d?v?l??ing a ?r?fit?bl? business relationship.M?n? international ??m??ni?? ?r?vid? cultural tr?ining t? help r?du?? cultural g?ff?? by ?m?l?????, whi?h ??n ?ff??t bu?in???.Cultur? ?h??k i? u?u?ll? m??t intense ?t the beginning ?f a ?t?? abroad â" in a g??d w??. At first, ????l? ?r? usually thrill?d t? be in th?ir n?w ?nvir?nm?nt, and th?? ??? it ?? ?n ?dv?ntur?. If ??m??n? i? ?n a short ?t?? abroad, this initi?l intrigu? m?? d?fin? th? wh?l? experience. However, if ??m??n? has m?v?d t? th? n?w locale ?n a more ??rm?n?nt b??i?, this honeymoon ?h??? will ?v?ntu?ll? wear ?ff.After th? initial glee of being in a n?w ?nvir?nm?nt di??i??t??, ????l? m?? ??tu?ll? grow fru?tr?t?d with th?ir ?itu?ti?n?. Thi? ??n b? th? most diffi?ult ??ri?d of culture ?h??k ?? f?tigu? ??t ? in with n?t understanding various g??tur??, signs and l?ngu?g?.Th? in?bilit? to ?ff??tiv?l? communicate is u?u?ll? th? ?rim? ??ur?? of fru?tr?ti?n. Thi? is wh?n d??r???i?n or h?m??i?kn??? ?nd l?nging for the f?mili?r ?nd ??mf?rt?bl? become most prominent.W? ?r? familiar with thing? wh?r? w? live. We know the streets ?nd whi?h ?id?? of them to driv? ?n. W? know wh?t t??? of food we lik? t? ??t. W? ?l?? g?n?r?ll? f?ll?w r?utin??.M?n? of ?ur d?il? ??ti?n? ?r? d?n? with?ut even thinking about th?m. W? know the people w? liv? ?nd w?rk with. We know th? ??tt?rn? ?f h?w we communicate with ?th?r?. We kn?w the cracks in th? ceiling and the ?r??k? in the fl??r. We m?? not pay conscious ?tt?nti?n t? ?ll ?f th??? littl? d?t?il?, but w? ?r? ???u?t?m?d t? th?m.These ?u?t?m?, routines ?nd ??mmuni??ti?n? ?r? ?u?? that we depend ?n t? dir??t ?ur behavior. Ov?r tim?, these ?u?? h?v? b???m? second n?tur? ?nd ?r?di?t?bl? t? u?. In a sense, ?ur ?ultur? actually helps define wh? we are.As w? immerse ?ur??lv?? into a n?w ?ultur?, we b???m? f?mili?r with n?w ?r??ti???. We l??rn th? ?m?ll?, th? sounds, and th? f??l ?f our n?w location. W? l??rn t? int?r??t with n?w ????l?.All of thi? i? incorporated int? ?ur n?w id?ntit?. Ev?ntu?ll?, we b???m? ???u?t?m?d t? ?ur n?w w?? ?f lif?, not realizing th?t these littl? changes ?r ?u?t?m? d?fin? wh?t w? n?w find familiar. New routines b???m? our n?rm. W? ?r??t? new identities through th??? routines ?nd practices, imm?r?ing ?ur??lv?? int? the customs ?f ?ur new host country.Our ??n???t of home i? built on th??? id??? ?f f?mili?rit?, routine, ??mmuni??ti?n ?nd identity. Home is more th?n th? ?h??i??l ?l??? in which w? liv?.H?m? i? associated with ?ll ?f th? ????l?, actions, feelings, emotions ?nd cues th?t m?k? us f??l ?t h?m?. Cr?ig Storti, ???? the following: The ????n?? of home ??n b? d???rib?d in three k?? elements: f?mili?r places, f?mili?r ????l? ?nd r?utin??, ?nd ?r?di?t?bl? patterns ?f interaction.Th??? thr?? elements ?????i?t? the fe elings ?f security, und?r?t?nding, trust, ??f?t? ?nd b?l?nging.Ad??ting t? a n?w ?ultur? i? n?t easy. When you m?v? abroad, ?????i?ll? wh?n th? ?ultur? is very diff?r?nt fr?m ??ur ?wn, ??u will b? fru?tr?t?d.The b??t thing about living ?br??d and ?d??ting t? a new ?ultur? i? wh?t you m?k? of it!It ??n b? th? best ?x??ri?n?? of your lifetime, or it ??n be unbearable and ?ll ??u want t? do is go home. Living abroad ?nd ?x??ri?n?ing a diff?r?nt culture is ?n ?dv?ntur? and a challenge, and most lik?l? the m??t exiting time ?f your lif?.You h?v? t? b???m? ind???nd?nt ?nd ?dju?t t? this n?w ?ultur? ?nd ?ll thi? without th? ?u???rt ?nd h?l? ?f ??ur friends ?nd f?mil?. Thi? i? ?uit? a big ?h?ng?.When you move ?br??d, wh?th?r it i? f?r an int?rn?hi? abroad, study ?br??d ?r b???u?? you found a gr??t j?b abroad, it will b? a big ?h?ng? in ??ur lif?, ?nd ??u ?h?uld be ?r???r?d f?r thi? change and accept it.Ev?r? ??untr? ?nd ?ultur? is different and just b???u?? ??u liv?d ?br??d before ?nd lik ?d it, d??? not gu?r?nt?? that ??u will lik? it this tim?. You h?v? t? l??rn a l?t of thing? fr?m ??r?t?h, understand the ?ultur? ?nd most importantly: ?t?? making assumptions.Culture Shock SymptomsCulture shock ???ur? ?t diff?r?nt tim?? and t? diff?r?nt extents f?r diff?r?nt people.Some symptoms ?f culture shock whi?h ?r???-?ultur?l tr?ining h?l?? int?rn?ti?n?l assignees und?r?t?nd include:D??r???i?n, fatigue, in??mni?Loss of self-confidenceAnxiety, ??nfu?i?n, frustrationF??r ?nd in???urit?Grief â" m?urning f?r ?ld lif?Loneliness and i??l?ti?nAnn???n?? and ?v?r-??n?itivit?Im??ti?n??And th? li?t goes ?n.Cultur? Sh??k i? n?t ??m? ?h?n?m?n?n m?d? u? t? m?k? ????l? feel b?tt?r. It i? a concept ?f human behavior th?t h?? existed f?r centuries.In f??t it h?? b??n ?tudi?d b? ?nthr???l?gi?t? ?nd ????h?l?gi?t? for ?v?r fift? ???r?. Origin?ll? ??in?d b? Anthr???l?gi?t K?l?rv? Ob?rg in 1960 , culture ?h??k i? d?fin?d ?? âthe f??ling ?f di??ri?nt?ti?n ?x??ri?n??d b? ??m??n? wh? i? ?udd?nl? ?ubj??t?d t? an unf?mili?r ?ultur?, way of lif?, ?r ??t ?f ?ttitud??.âIt i? th? w?v? of th?ught?, emotions and behaviors that come with living in a n?w ?l??? within an unf?mili?r ?ultur?. Th??? f??ling? m?? make ??u d?ubt ??ur big d??i?i?n t? m?v? ?br??d. H?w?v?r, you ?r? just g?ing thr?ugh th? n?tur?l ?r????? of adjusting t? a n?w place.Y?u may f??l unable t? full? express ??ur id?ntit? or f??l ??nfu??d ?b?ut ??ur ?wn ?ultur? ?nd social norms.Feelings ?f i??l?ti?n, nervousness, ?nn???n?? ?nd f??r ?r? common.It ??n b? fru?tr?ting, but I ?r?mi?? it is not a ?ign that ??u ?r? in th? wr?ng place, ?r th?t you made th? wr?ng decision. It is part of th? ??r??n?l j?urn?? in learning more ?b?ut ??ur??lf, h?w to ?x?r??? ??ur id?ntit?, ?nd the b??utiful challenge ?f living in a new country.If ??u understand wh?t it i?, ??u ??n be ?r???r?d to confront b?th th? gl?m?ur and r??lit? ?f living abroad.4 STAGES OF CULTURE SHOCKA? t?lk?d ?b?ut by anthropologists ?nd psychologists ?lik?, cultural ?h ??k ??m?? in a ??ri?? ?f stages. It i? im??rt?nt to n?t? that f?r some ????l?, this ?r????? i? not lin??r.Rather ??u will likely jum? b?tw??n ?t?g?? ?r get ?tu?k ??m?wh?r? in the middl?.Th?r? i? also n? tim?lin? f?r th??? ?t?g??.If ??u decide t? ?t?? ?br??d, ??u will lik?l? move thr?ugh ?ll 4 ?f th? ?h???? within 12-18 m?nth? ?r ?v?n probably l???.Always r?m?mb?r, ??u n?t the ?nl? ?n? g?ing thr?ugh thi? ?x??ri?n??, so u d?nt have t? b??t yourself. Here are th? f?ur stages of ?ultur? shock;Stage 1. Th? H?n??m??n StageI l?v? it h?r?! Iâm not going back. Th? first ?t?g? ?f ?ultur? shock i? ?ft?n ?v?rwh?lmingl? positive during which tr?v?l?r? b???m? inf?tu?t?d with the l?ngu?g?, ????l? ?nd f??d in their new surroundings.At this ?t?g?, the tri? ?r m?v? ???m? lik? th? gr??t??t d??i?i?n ever m?d?, an exciting adventure t? stay on f?r?v?r.The H?n??m??n Stage romanticizes th? n?w ?nd ?x?iting ?nvir?nm?nt, the âwow! I ??nât b?li?v? I liv? h?r?!â You ??? ??ur g??db??? to ?ll thing? fam iliar, t?k? a flight, and g?t ?ff th? plane with eyes full of w?nd?r ?nd a long to-do li?t of ?ll the spots, r??t?ur?nt?, ?nd ??rt? ?f town you w?nt t? ???.This ??n l??t f?r d??? or m?nth? ?? ??u continue on v???ti?n m?d? in ??ur n?w h?m?.H?n??m??n St?g? TipsS?t realistic ?x???t?ti?n? b?f?r? arriving in th? h??t culture.Understand th?t ?ultur? ?h??k i? a normal, yet t?m??r?r? r???ti?n.Immediately ?t?rt ?r??ting f?mili?rit?. Make n?w fri?nd?, find new favorite spots, develop new r?utin??, use Engli?h as mu?h as ????ibl? ?nd b?gin to ?tud? ?r?di?t?bl? ??tt?rn? ?f int?r??ti?n.Stage 2. Th? Fru?tr?ti?n St?g?Why i? ?v?r?thing different? Th? Fru?tr?ti?n stage m?? be th? m??t difficult stage of culture ?h??k ?nd i? probably f?mili?r t? anyone wh? has liv?d abroad or wh? tr?v?l? fr??u?ntl?.At thi? ?t?g?, th? f?tigu? ?f not und?r?t?nding gestures, ?ign? ?nd the language ??t? in and miscommunications m?? b? h????ning fr??u?ntl?.Small thing??â"?l??ing k???, mi??ing the bu? ?r n?t b?ing ?bl? ?? ?il? order f??d in a r??t?ur?nt?â"?m?? trigg?r frustration. And while frustration comes ?nd g???, itâ? a natural r???ti?n f?r people ???nding ?xt?nd?d time in n?w ??untri??.As you ??mmuni??t? ?nd n?vig?t? thr?ugh ?n unf?mili?r host culture, th? reality ?f th? ?itu?ti?n gradually b???m?? ????r?nt. Fru?tr?ting experiences ?g?in b?gin? t? ???umul?t?, b?ffling encounters and interactions ?m??? and simple tasks b???m? m?j?r challenges.Perhaps ??uv? b??n un?bl? t? ?d??u?t?l? ?x?r??? yourself ?r unable to und?r?t?nd, int?r?r?t ?r tr?n?l?t? v?rb?l ?nd non-verbal ??mmuni??ti?n.Perhaps ??uv? struggled distinguishing b?tw??n ???r??ri?t? and inappropriate b?h?vi?r ?r h?v? been unable t? grasp th? ?u?t?m?, v?lu?? and etiquette. Perhaps ??uv? h?d t? fr??u?ntl? solicit others f?r help with ?im?l? errands and ??mm?n tasks. Perhaps you have few ?r n? friends.Th? St?g? i? the initi?l f??ling? ?f homesickness ?r l?nging f?r ??ur local customs. Y?u m?? find yourself saying, âWell wh? do th?? do it thi? w??? D?nât th?? know thi? other w?? would b? ?? much more ?ffi?i?nt?âF??ling? start to ?m?rg? ?? though ??uâr? dividing your ??nv?r??ti?n? int? âw?â ?nd âthemâ.Fru?tr?ti?n, mi?und?r?t?nding ?r ?ggr???iv?n??? t? local customs is ?l?? ??mm?n.Th? rose- colored gl????? come ?ff.You ?t?rt t? r???gniz? what i? missing from your new h?m? ?nd boast wh? certain thing? are b?tt?r in your own ??untr? ?r culture. Y?u m?? find a desire t? v?nt and b?nd with th??? wh? ?r? lik? ??u, ?nd in doing ?? create a bubble that r??li??t?? your ?u?t?m? and ???i?l norms.It i? possible t? stay in the frustrating ?t?g? f?r?v?r, ?r m?v? f?rw?rd in a m?tt?r of m?nth? up t? a ???r.It hurts. N?b?d? h??r? your sense ?f humor. N?b?d? hears ??ur intelligence. N?b?d? knows that ??ur? a ??ti?nt, ???itiv? ?nd gentle ??ul. N?b?d? knows th? r??l ??u.Sl?wl?, you begin to r?j??t th? h??t ?ultur? ?nd ??n?id?r r?turning h?m?.Fru?tr?ti?n Stage Ti??Wh?n w? face life-changing ?ir?um?t?n???, w?r? going t? f??? f??r. Find th? ??ur?g? to m?v? f?rw?rd during thi? diffi?ult ?t?g?. Y?u d?nt need award-winning ??ur?g?, ??u ju?t n??d ?n?ugh ??ur?g? t? continue int?gr?ting into th? h??t culture.Y?u m?? not h?v? many ????rtuniti?? to create n?w habits ?nd r?utin??. Use thi? tim? to improve ??ur lifestyle ?nd ??ur??lf.Cr??t? as many interactions as possible. Enr?ll in ESL ?l?????, j?in m??tu??, clubs, ?tt?nd local events, ?t?. T?lk t? ?th?r?. Use English.Read b??k?, w?t?h TV and m?vi?? ?nd ???k the food t? l??rn m?r? ?b?ut daily lif?, ??? ?ultur?, th? national ????h? ?nd t? ?tud? predictable ??tt?rn? ?f int?r??ti?n.E?t w?ll, g?t enough ?x?r?i?? ?nd ?l???.Stage 3. The Adju?tm?nt St?g?S? l?ng ?? I ?m h?r?, I will have t? m?k? th? m??t of it. Fru?tr?ti?n? ?r? often subdued ?? tr?v?l?r? b?gin t? f??l more familiar ?nd ??mf?rt?bl? with th? cultures, people, f??d ?nd languages of n?w ?nvir?nm?nt?. N?vig?ti?n becomes ???i?r, friends ?nd ??mmuniti?? ?f ?u???rt are established ?nd details of l???l l?ngu?g? ? m?? b???m? m?r? r???gniz?bl? during th? ?dju?tm?nt ?t?g?.Y?uv? r??v?lu?t?d ??ur expectations, found min?r ??luti?n? ?nd d?v?l???d strategies f?r h?ndling potential ?r?bl?m?. Y?ur? ?bl? to read cultural ?u?? ?nd gr??? th? h??t ?ultur?? l?gi? ?nd v?lu??.Y?ur ?ultur?l perception h?? b?gun to ?hift. Y?u h?v? more fri?nd?, in?r????d social ?kill? ?nd ??uv? even become ?n ?x?l?r?r of th? culture. Youve r?g?in?d ??ur confidence, b???m? m?r? independent, ??m??t?nt ?nd ?ultur?ll? ??n?itiv?.Y?u ?till h?v? ??i??di? highs ?nd l?w?, but th?? dont overwhelm ?nd consume you like b?f?r?. Y?u n?w h?v? a b?l?n??d perspective ?f the host culture ?nd ??ur h?m? ?ultur? ?? well ?? th? advantages ?nd disadvantages of b?th.The Adju?tm?nt St?g? ??n ?l?? b? referred t? th? gr?du?l transformation fr?m f??ling? ?f isolation ?r f??r t? m?r? comfort and ??nfid?n?? in ??ur d?il? lif?. Y?u m?? ?t?rt t? learn th? l?ngu?g?, gain knowledge of social ?u?t?m?, ?r g?in confidence in ??ur ?bilit? t? run ?rr?nd? ind???n d?ntl?.Thi? ??ri?d ?f tr?n?iti?n m?rk? a great f??ling as ??u b?gin t? ???r??i?t? ??ur n?w home ?nd th? ?ultur?l diff?r?n???.D??? th?t mean thing? ?r? always ??rf??t?N?.But, you b?gin t? develop th? ???ing m??h?ni?m? f?r wh?n ??uâr? f??ling h?m??i?k and ??u r???gniz? th?t this ??r??n?l ?h?ll?ng? could be a b??utiful ?n?. Y?u may ?v?n prefer some aspects ?f th? host ?ultur? ?nd th?t r?v?l?ti?n might even ?x??nd ??ur id??l?g? ?b?ut yourself, your h?m? or th? w?rld.You m?? b???m? a mentor to ?th?r? who were in a similar ?ir?um?t?n??, ?nd you may ?v?n b???m? ?? proud ?f ??ur n?w h?m? th?t ??u h?v? n?g?tiv? f??ling? ?g?in?t ??ur ?wn ?ultur?.Adju?tm?nt St?g? Ti??Continue exploring and ?b??rbing th? h??t ?ultur?.U?? the ????rtunit? to ???r?h inw?rd ?nd br??d?n ??ur ideology ?b?ut yourself, your home and th? world.Stage 4. The Acceptance St?g?Finally am ??mf?rt?bl? here! I f??l more ?t home. Th? Acceptance St?g? entails ??ur ?????t?n?? ?f ??ur n?w h?m? f?r wh?t it is. There i? a new l?v?l ?f integration wh?r? you ??tu?ll? feel lik? you ?r? ??rt ?f the society. Ideally, ??u will b? ?bl? to ???r??i?t? the ?l??? ?nd ?ultur? where ??u ??m? fr?m, and ?imult?n??u?l? appreciate your new w?? ?f lif?.Thi? ??n b? a difficult b?l?n??, as you m?? f??l ?? integrated in ??ur n?w homeâs culture th?t ??u l??? ?ight ?f ??ur ?wn. Thi? id?ntit? crisis i? normal, especially f?r th??? who tr?v?l the w?rld t? w?rk in diff?r?nt ??untri??.If youâve made it to th? ?dju?tm?nt ?t?g? you can thriv? at ??ur full??t in th? ??untr? ??u n?w ??ll h?m?.G?n?r?ll??â"?th?ugh ??m?tim?? w??k?, m?nth? ?r years after wrestling with th? ?m?ti?n?l stages ?utlin?d above?â"?the final stage ?f culture ?h??k is ?????t?n??.A????t?n?? doesnât m??n th?t n?w ?ultur?? or ?nvir?nm?nt? ?r? completely und?r?t??d, r?th?r it ?ignifi?? r??liz?ti?n that ??m?l?t? understanding i?nât n??????r? to fun?ti?n and thriv? in th? new surroundings.During the ?????t?n?? ?t?g?, tr?v?l?r? h?v? th? f?mili?rit? and are ?bl? t? d r?w t?g?th?r th? r???ur??? th?? n??d t? feel at ease.A????t?n?? Stage Ti??C?ntinu? to im?r?v? ??ur ?ultur?l abilities.In ?rd?r to reduce the effects ?f r?v?r?? ?ultur? ?h??k wh?n ??u r?turn h?m? ?t ??m? point in the futur?, keep in touch with ??ur h?m? ?ultur?. Occasionally vi?it or call f?mil? ?nd fri?nd?. E?t the food. Use th? l?ngu?g?. St?? informed ?b?ut news ?nd pop ?ultur?.Dont drift away fr?m ??ur ?ultur?.R?v?r?? Cultur? ShockA phenomena within itself th? bears m?nti?ning is r?v?r?? ?ultur? ?h??k. On?? you ??m? to ???r??i?t? f??t?r? of your new h?m?, you m?? return to ??ur country with feelings ?f frustration. Why ?r? natural ?r?du?t? so ?x??n?iv?? Wh?n did traffic back home g?t ?? terrible? I? ?v?r??n? ?xtr? ?tr????d n?w, ?r i? it me?These f??ling? ?r? n?rm?l, and g? t? show th? r??lit? ?nd challenges ?f living lif? ?br??d. Wh?th?r you id?ntif? ?? a world tr?v?l?r, immigr?nt, ?x??t, or someone th?t w?rk? ?br??d ?ft?n, ??u will likely be ??nfr?nt?d with ?u??ti?n? ?f ??ur iden tity and h?w living in more th?n ?n? ??untr? ??n ??nfr?nt ??u with ??r??n?l questions about your id?ntit?.Th? degree ?f reverse ?ultur? ?h??k may b? directly ?r???rti?n?l to the l?ngth ?f tim? ???nt overseas â" th? l?ng?r the time ???nt abroad, th? gr??t?r th? shock f??t?r u??n th? ?v?ntu?l return home.An?th?r f??t?r that m?? influ?n?? th? m?gnitud? of r?v?r?? culture shock i? th? extent ?f th? diff?r?n?? in ?ultur?? b?tw??n the ?x??tri?t?? h?m? ??untr? ?nd the foreign country. The bigg?r th? cultural diff?r?n??, th? greater the reverse ?ultur? ?h??k likely upon return.Wh?n ??u r?turn to your ?rigin?l ?ultur?, ??u m?? b? surprised to find that r?turning h?m? ?ft?r gr?wing accustomed t? n?w ?ultur? causes di??ri?nt?ti?n. Y?u n?ti?? yourself r?-?x??ri?n?ing th? ?t?g?? ?f ?ultur? ?h??k. This i? u?u?ll? m?r? troublesome and difficult than th? original culture shock th?t you ?x??ri?n??d. It is im??rt?nt t? note that not everyone who r?turn? t? his or h?r home ?ultur? experiences reverse culture ?h??k.Whil? th? ?h?n?m?n?n of ?ultur? ?h??k is in?r???ingl? well kn?wn, r?v?r?? culture ?h??k i? n?t as r???gniz?d ?nd und?r?t??d. Thi? is du? in part to the fact th?t people are r?turning h?m?. So wh? ?h?uld r?turning h?m? result in culture ?h??k?It may be h?l?ful t? think ?f R?v?r?? Cultur? Shock in terms ?f th? culture shock one ?x??ri?n??? wh?n m?ving ?v?r????. M?n? ?f the same events ?nd circumstances that ?r??t? ?tr??? wh?n ?d??ting to a f?r?ign ?ultur? also ?r??t? ?tr??? in the return tri?. Cr?ig St?rti, in his b??k, Th? Art of Coming H?m?, n?t?? that both ?tr????? culture ?h??k and r?v?r?? ?ultur? ?h??k tend t? follow th? U-curve ??tt?rnOn a ????h?l?gi??l ?nd int?r??r??n?l level, the d?gr?? ?f reverse ?ultur? ?h??k may b? in?r????d ?r l????n?d b? the amount of ??mmuni??ti?n that is m?int?in?d with family, fri?nd?, ?r ??w?rk?r? in th?ir home country. If th?r? is littl? regular dialogue b?tw??n the ??rti??, it m?? be easier t? d?t??h from th? ?u?t?m? ?nd d?m??n?r ?f th? h?m? n?ti?n in favor ?f the n?w culture.Furth?rm?r?, if th? ??r??n?l contacts back h?m? express disinterest in h??ring ?b?ut th? n?w ?x??ri?n??? ?f th? individual who i? ?v?r????, it m?? widen the divide b?tw??n th?m.As with culture ?h??k, m?n? ?????t? ?f reverse ?ultur? ?h??k ?r? subjective, therefore each ??r??n will have a uni?u? experience in readapting t? hi? ?r h?r home culture. R????r?h d???, h?w?v?r, indi??t? some common patterns ?xi?ting ?m?ng m??t sojourners r??ntr? experiences.Whil? reading about th??? ??mm?n ??tt?rn?, r?m?mb?r t? keep an ???n mind ?b?ut r?v?r?? ?ultur? ?h??k ?nd the v?ri?u? ways it may affect ??u ?nd ??ur individu?l f?mil? m?mb?r?WAYS TO HELP STAY SANE WHEN EXPLORING NEW CULTURESCultur? ?h??k is diff?r?nt f?r ?v?r? ??r??n. In a new country ??m? m?? g? thr?ugh the ?h???? in a m?nth, others never f??l fully at h?m?. Anthr???l?gi?t R??h?l Irwin suggests ?r???ring f?r cultural shock b? r????r?hing ?nd b?ing ?r???r?d f?r wh?t challenges t? ?x???t.O n?? on th? gr?und, ??uâll h?v? t? develop a ??n?? of b?l?nging in some fashion.Wh?th?r th?t m??n? l??rning the l?ngu?g?, ??rti?i??ting in ??mmunit? activities, meeting th? n?ighb?r?, ?r d?v?l??ing a ?ur???? t? ??m? d?gr??, t?king th??? ?t??? ?r? critical to progressing thr?ugh ?ultur? shock. M?th?d? ?f ???ing with th? f??r? ?r ?nxi?ti?? that accompany culture ?h??k can make a n?w ??untr? feel m?r? like home as ???h day ?????? by.Culture i? r?l?tiv?Culture is r?l?tiv?, whi?h ?x?l?in? wh? individu?l? from diff?r?nt ?ultur?? m?? perceive ?th?r ?ultur? n?rm? diff?r?ntl?. For some, th? a ??mmuni??ti?n style may seem too dir??t, whil? ?th?r? may find it n?t dir??t enough. If ??u find yourself in a new ?nvir?nm?nt, ??u will b? ?x????d t? m?n? new ?u?t?m?, h?bit? ?nd id???.Tr? t? ?v?id l?b?ling th?m as g??d ?r bad ????rding t? th? ?ultur? you ?r? from. Remember th?t there m?? be ??rt? ?f a ?ultur? you di?lik? ?r di????r?v? of, but th??? ?r? ??rt of a broader ???i?l system, and th?r?f?r? m?k? m?r? sense in?id? th?t system.Accept How Y?u F??lEven if ??uâr? v?lunt??ring ?br??d with ??ur best fri?nd in a country th?t f??l? f?irl? f?mili?r or in a place th?t shares your n?tiv? t?ngu?, thi? extreme v?r?i?n ?f h?m??i?kn??? (?k?. culture shock) i? bound t? h????n.In ???ing with culture ?h??k, ??u have t? ?????t wh?t youâre f??ling. D?nât h?rmit ?w?? in your b?d und?r th? ??v?r?, but d?nât f?r?? ??ur??lf to ?t?? ?ut?id? of your comfort z?n? if ??u might need a littl? extra tim? to adjust either.N? matter h?w many l??tur?? ??u receive or ?rti?l?? ?n ?ultur? ?h??k you read, you m?? n?t r???gniz? th? ??m?t?m? ?f ?ultur? shock in yourself.Itâ? hard to ?in??int culture ?h??k, ?in?? everyone experiences it diff?r?ntl?. If youâre n?t quite feeling yourself, admit ??u may be ?x??ri?n?ing the ??rli??t ?ultur? shock stage ?nd ?ll?w ??ur??lf t? ???? int? ???lim?ting mentally and ?h??i??ll? to your destination.Learn ?? much about your h??t ??untr? ?? possibleR??d through t r?v?l f?rum?, guid?b??k?, n?w? reports, ?r n?v?l?. T?lk t? ????l? who have b??n th?r? ?r b?tt?r ??t are from there.Get t? know as mu?h as ??u can about whats ??n?id?r?d ??lit? ?r rude (f?r ?x?m?l?, did ??u know its rude t? ?t?? ?v?r someones b?g in Madagascar?) and ?r???r? ??ur??lf f?r ??m? ?f th? differences before ??u g?.Be open-minded and ?uri?u?Adju?ting to a n?w ?ultur? d??? not m??n that you have t? change ??ur own values, but it is im??rt?nt t? r?????t th??? ?f ?th?r ????l?. When ??u find ??ur??lf in ?n unf?mili?r situation, tr? t? think of it ?? a n?w ?dv?ntur?.Allow ??ur??lf t? b? ?uri?u? about th? way things are ??r??iv?d and d?n? in thi? new ?nvir?nm?nt.U?? ??ur ?b??rv?ti?n ?kill?Sin?? you will ?n??unt?r unf?mili?r rules ?nd n?rm?, observing how others ?r? ??ting in ?itu?ti?n? ??n h?l? ??u understand what b?h?vi?r i? expected ?f you. P?? ?tt?nti?n t? b?th th? v?rb?l ?nd n?nv?rb?l ??mmuni??ti?n ?f others in order t? g?t a m?r? complete ?i?tur? ?f wh?t is g?ing ?n.Find ?? ur own ???r?d ?l???? in ??ur n?w ?it?You d?nât n??d to be r?ligi?u? or spiritual ?r h?v? ?n? b?li?f?, you just n??d t? find ?l???? wh?r? ??u know ??u ??n r??h?rg? ?nd shut everything out. I already h?v? a f?w ?f th??? ????i?l places in Hamburg ?nd I plan to writ? a ???t ?n th?m ?t some point.They will keep you g?ing when ??u have th? ?udd?n urg? t? completely lose it ?n th? train or ?t?rt ??lling randomly in Engli?h at ????l?. Believe me, youâll need these ???t?.Get Out?id? Get Your Heart Pum?ingA little ?un exposure ?nd vitamin D ??n g? a l?ng wayâ" weâll ?v?n throw in a fr?? ?u natural tan. T?k? a w?lk ?nd remind ??ur??lf why ??uâr? tr?v?ling in the fir?t place or just ?ui?tl? observe th? n?w ??untr? youâre in.B?ing outside, ?v?n if itâs ?nl? for five minut??, is an in?t?nt m??d b???t?r. Y?u may ?v?n discover a ?ut? littl? coffee shop ?r ?th?r small n??k ?nd ?r?nn? bu?in????? th?t might become ??ur n?w âg? t?â ?r??.Take it ?n? ?t?? furth?r ?nd g?t th??? ?nd?r?hin ? flowing with a littl? ?x?r?i??! Turn that walk int? a jog. N? matter if ??uâr? ind??r? or ?utd??r?, exercising ??n b? a hug? help wh?n it ??m?? to d??ling with culture ?h??k, by relieving ?tr??? and ?r?viding a ???itiv? mind??t.A?k ?u??ti?n?A?k f?r h?l? when ??u n??d it. Asking f?r assistance ?r an ?x?l?n?ti?n d??? not h?v? t? b? ??n?id?r?d a ?ign ?f w??kn???. Und?r?t?nding others ?nd m?king ??ur??lf und?r?t??d in a n?w l?ngu?g? (?r context) r??uir?? l?t? ?f r??hr??ing, repeating ?nd ?l?rifi??ti?n. It m?? be h?l?ful t? ??k ?u??ti?n? lik? ?? I und?r?t?nd it ??u ?r? ???ing Is th?t ??rr??t?Make Tim? to Pr?????J?urn?ling ?r bl?gging ?b?ut ??ur experiences is ??tu?ll? a helpful outlet t? r?li?v? ??ur ?tr??? ?nd ?m?ti?n?, ?nd will l??v? ??u f??ling much m?r? calm and r?l?x?d. Carve ?ut t?ngibl? time in ??ur days t? commit t? ju?t writingIt? ok t? ?x??ri?n?? anxietyL??rning t? fun?ti?n in a n?w ?nvir?nm?nt i? n?t easy. It is n?tur?l t? f??l ?nxi?u? ?r frustrated sometimes. The k?? i? t o r?mind ??ur??lf th?t th??? f??ling? ?r? n?rm?l ?nd ?r? likely t? be ?itu?ti?n?l ?nd t?m??r?r?.Giv? ??ur??lf (?nd ?th?r?) permission t? m?k? mi?t?k??Y?u will in?vit?bl? m?k? mistakes ?? ??u ?x?l?r? a new culture. If you ??n find th? humor in these ?itu?ti?n? ?nd laugh ?t th?m, ?th?r? will lik?l? r????nd t? you with fri?ndlin??? and ?u???rt.K??? in mind th?t others will probably m?k? mistakes, t??; wh?n ??m??n? makes ?n in???ur?t? ???um?ti?n or a generalized statement ?b?ut your ?ultur?, it may b? due to a l??k ?f information. If youre ??mf?rt?bl? with doing ??, thi? ??n b? ?n ????rtunit? to ?h?r? inf?rm?ti?n with ?th?r? about ??ur??lf ?nd ??ur ?ultur?.Wh?th?r ??uâv? ??m? ?br??d to work, you are n?t r??uir?d t? b? ?n in?t?nt expert.Of course th?r? are things you d?nât und?r?t?nd. If ??u make mi?t?k?? in th? language or fumbl? the etiquette, l?t ??ur??lf f??l th? embarrassment for a m?m?nt and then ?ll?w it t? ????. Think of how mu?h ??uâv? ?lr??d? l??rn?d, ?nd h?w much m?r? yo uâll know by th? tim? you head h?m?.Take care ?f ??ur ?h??i??l h??lthB? mindful ?b?ut k???ing a healthy diet ?nd g?tting enough ?x?r?i?? ?nd rest. Tr? t? find an ??tivit? th?t ??u enjoy ?nd m?k? it ??rt of ??ur r?utin?. B?ing ?h??i??ll? ??tiv? ??n h?l? r?du?? ??ur ?tr??? l?v?l.Find a ?ultur?l ?ll?A new friend (or ?n?th?r vi?it?r wh? h?? b??n in the n?w ??untr? for several ???r?) ??n be a gr??t consultant ?n cultural ?x???t?ti?n?. Wh?n you h?v? ?u??ti?n? ?r need a second ??ini?n ?n something, this ??r??n ??n h?l? clarify confusions ?nd ?r?vid? ?u???rt ?? ??u ?dju?t t? your n?w ?nvir?nm?nt.St?? Connected t? H?m?H?m??i?kn??? can ?l?? a significant role in ?ultur? shock, ?? be sure t? stay ??nn??t?d with ??ur loved ?n?? b??k h?m?. Sk??? with your ??r?nt? or friends, read u? ?n ?urr?nt events, ?nd bl?g ?b?ut ??ur ?x??ri?n???, good ?nd b?d.Make ?ur? you k??? a h??lth? balance th?ugh; a taste of h?m? will m?k? ??u feel b?tt?r, but too mu?h time ???nt ?b????ing over ??ur fri?nd? ?nd f?mil ? b??k h?m? ??uld ?x???rb?t? th? symptoms of ?ultur? ?h??k.Whil? t?lking with your fri?nd? i? gr??t, b? sure t? ?ut ??ur??lf ?ut there and m?k? n?w friends ?br??d t??.B? ??ti?nt dont tr? to und?r?t?nd everything imm?di?t?l?The ?r????? ?f adjusting t? a new culture r??uir?? time. It m?? also r??uir? a diff?r?nt amount ?f tim? for diff?r?nt ?r??? ?f adjustment. Tr? to encourage ??ur??lf t? b? ??ti?nt with this ?x??ri?n?? and n?t b? ?v?rl? critical ?f ??ur??lf.Pr???r? f?r Y?ur R?turnSur?ri?ingl?, when you r?turn h?m?, ??u ??n ?x??ri?n?? th? ??m? u?h??v?l? and â?h??kâ ?? wh?n ??u l?ft. S?m? ????l?, ?v?id thi? r?v?r?? f?rm of ?ultur? ?h??k b? ??ntinuing t? m?v? ?n to n?w ?l????. But if returning home is ??rt of ??ur ?l?n, k??? in mind that you will h?v? ?h?ng?d by th? time ??u g?t b??k.Y?ur ?x??ri?n?? ?br??d will h?v? altered your perspective, sometimes in w??? ??u donât ?v?n realize ?t first. âDont ?x???t n?thing to h?v? changed in th? tim? youve been away,â explains T?rkin gt?n. âY?ur old ?l??? will ?im?l? n? longer fit ?? ?nugl?. This is a g??d thing.âY?u might f??l di?t?n??d from fri?nd? and f?mil? who ?h?w ?nl? ?light int?r??t in ??ur ?x??ri?n???â"?r be ?t a l??? wh?n th?? ask, âSo h?w w?? S??in (?r Th?il?nd or Dub?i)?âY?uâll find ??u ??nât even b?gin t? ?umm?riz? three m?nth? ?r ?n ?ntir? year int? th? ?ingl? ??nv?r??ti?n th?? expect. And after months ?f shopping ?t ?n outdoor market ?r ?t b?uti?u? gr???r?, you might find yourself ?v?rwh?lm?d by ??m?thing ?? ?im?l? ?? a wh?l? aisle full ?f ??t?t? ?hi??. Ju?t be ??ti?nt, ?nd kn?w itâll t?k? time f?r you transition b??k to ??ur ?ld home.While ??uâr? ?dju?ting, look f?r w??? t? ???it?liz? on wh?t you l??rn?d while you w?r? ?ut of th? ??untr?. Maybe th?tâ? v?lunt??ring t? teach English t? immigrants or ?h?ring ??ur newfound f?v?rit? f??d? with fri?nd? here. Y?ur ?x??ri?n??? ?br??d are n?w a ??rt ?f ??u, so d? wh?t?v?r ??u ??n t? keep th??? m?m?ri?? alive.
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